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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

Also known as Royal Free Disease or Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome, ME has been the subject of much research, debate and confusion in recent years.

Considerable effort has been applied to identifying it as a specific infectious disease, but the infective agents (such as Epstein-Barr Virus) that have come under suspicion may not be causative since they are also associated with a wide range of other debilitating diseases.

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Also known as Royal Free Disease or Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome, ME has been the subject of much research, debate and confusion in recent years. Considerable effort has been applied to identifying it as a specific infectious disease, but the infective agents (such as Epstein-Barr Virus) that have come under suspicion may not be causative since they are also associated with a wide range of other debilitating diseases. 

Perhaps it is best to consider M.E. as an example of exhaustion of the immune process, which in turn debilitates the nervous system and sometimes also the endocrine system. The three together have been called the Primal Adaptive System, since they function synchronously and require very similar resources.

Perhaps M.E. could simply represent an exhausted and unresponsive Primal Adaptive System. 

Before you start, you may wish to consider our Detox Formula which will cleanse your body and aide your gut's ability to absorb the nutrients within the ME program. It will also help replenish the intestinal tract with healthy flora and enhance your overall health and wellbeing. 


Dietary Recommendations 

Positive Foods 

Cereal grains oats, whole brown rice, barley.
Vegetables carrots, parsnip, garlic, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, spinach, green beans, corn, leaks, celery, water cress, avocado.
Fruits ripe bananas, grapes, apricots, figs, dates, blackberries, bilberries.
Legumes soya beans, kidney beans, butter beans, lima beans, green peas, chick peas, sprouted mung beans, lentils.
Teas, Herbs & Spices sprouted alfalfa, basil, ginger tea, camomile tea, peppermint tea, black tea.
Nuts & Seeds pecans, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, coconut, almonds (no more than 10 per day), sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds.
Fungi Shiitake mushrooms, Reishi mushrooms.
Fish/seafood cod, un-smoked halibut, herring, haddock.
Meats free range and organic chicken & turkey.
Dairy live organic yoghurt.
Additional Foods flax seed oil.

Negative Foods

Refined carbohydrates, hydrogenated fats, battery chicken & hens’ eggs, white sugar (sucrose), artificial sweeteners, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, cheese, salami, pickled foods, most nuts, foods with additives.

Dairy foods (except organic yoghurt), all pork products.

Possible irritants include high intake of dietary fats, caffeine drinks, alcohol, chocolate, eggs, cheese, red meat and salty foods.

Coffee, tea, tobacco and alcohol all tend to aggravate symptoms.

Additional Comment

Take plenty of fresh water. Good quality still mineral water from a glass container is the superior form; though a good tap filter is also satisfactory. 

Avoid shampoos and soaps containing Sodium Lauryl Sulphate. 

Additional Help & Support

Homeopathic treatment has been found particularly helpful. 

Sufficient recuperation time is essential with ME, especially where it occurs after a virus. Plenty of rest (without any guilt or pressure to ’get up and about’ too soon) interspersed with gentle exercise as and when appropriate can help tremendously.

Reduce stress as far as possible.

Avoid too much time in air-conditioned environments; these have been associated with cells becoming positively charged, which is undesirable. 

Fresh air and natural light are also beneficial, so resting outdoors or taking country walks for exercise can aid recovery.

Also known as Royal Free Disease or Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome, ME has been the subject of much research, debate and confusion in recent years. Considerable effort has been applied to identifying it as a specific infectious disease, but the infective agents (such as Epstein-Barr Virus) that have come under suspicion may not be causative since they are also associated with a wide range of other debilitating diseases. 

Perhaps it is best to consider M.E. as an example of exhaustion of the immune process, which in turn debilitates the nervous system and sometimes also the endocrine system. The three together have been called the Primal Adaptive System, since they function synchronously and require very similar resources.

Perhaps M.E. could simply represent an exhausted and unresponsive Primal Adaptive System. 

Before you start, you may wish to consider our Detox Formula which will cleanse your body and aide your gut's ability to absorb the nutrients within the ME program. It will also help replenish the intestinal tract with healthy flora and enhance your overall health and wellbeing. 


Dietary Recommendations 

Positive Foods 

Cereal grains oats, whole brown rice, barley.
Vegetables carrots, parsnip, garlic, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, spinach, green beans, corn, leaks, celery, water cress, avocado.
Fruits ripe bananas, grapes, apricots, figs, dates, blackberries, bilberries.
Legumes soya beans, kidney beans, butter beans, lima beans, green peas, chick peas, sprouted mung beans, lentils.
Teas, Herbs & Spices sprouted alfalfa, basil, ginger tea, camomile tea, peppermint tea, black tea.
Nuts & Seeds pecans, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, coconut, almonds (no more than 10 per day), sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds.
Fungi Shiitake mushrooms, Reishi mushrooms.
Fish/seafood cod, un-smoked halibut, herring, haddock.
Meats free range and organic chicken & turkey.
Dairy live organic yoghurt.
Additional Foods flax seed oil.

Negative Foods

Refined carbohydrates, hydrogenated fats, battery chicken & hens’ eggs, white sugar (sucrose), artificial sweeteners, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, cheese, salami, pickled foods, most nuts, foods with additives.

Dairy foods (except organic yoghurt), all pork products.

Possible irritants include high intake of dietary fats, caffeine drinks, alcohol, chocolate, eggs, cheese, red meat and salty foods.

Coffee, tea, tobacco and alcohol all tend to aggravate symptoms.

Additional Comment

Take plenty of fresh water. Good quality still mineral water from a glass container is the superior form; though a good tap filter is also satisfactory. 

Avoid shampoos and soaps containing Sodium Lauryl Sulphate. 

Additional Help & Support

Homeopathic treatment has been found particularly helpful. 

Sufficient recuperation time is essential with ME, especially where it occurs after a virus. Plenty of rest (without any guilt or pressure to ’get up and about’ too soon) interspersed with gentle exercise as and when appropriate can help tremendously.

Reduce stress as far as possible.

Avoid too much time in air-conditioned environments; these have been associated with cells becoming positively charged, which is undesirable. 

Fresh air and natural light are also beneficial, so resting outdoors or taking country walks for exercise can aid recovery.

This program contains one of each of the following. Click on each one for more details:

Q: What is the difference between foodstate supplements and ordinary supplements?

Ans: In nature, nutrients are created with a number of food factors that effectively create a delivery system to take the nutrient to an appropriate receptor site. These food factors are mainly carbohydrates, lipo-proteins, glyco-proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, enzymes and fats. Virtually all supplements are made simply from the isolated vitamin or mineral without any of these essential co-factors present, so our ability to absorb use and retain them is very limited


Q: Why is Foodstate better?

Ans: We create our nutrients as fully formed foods so they are much better absorbed used and retained than ordinary supplements, which are all created with the same manufactured synthetic chemicals. Nature has created us to recognise food nutrients, not synthetic chemicals


Q: Why are foodstate supplements in lower dosage?

Ans: It’s because they are much better absorbed used and retained than ordinary supplements. Our Calcium for example is 30mg whereas most inorganic forms are up to 1000mg. Human adults need 30mg per day of food calcium so that is what we provide, rather than 1000mg of inorganic calcium that is very difficult to absorb


Q: Can I take foodstate supplements if I am yeast intolerant?

Ans. Absolutely. We use nutritional yeast as a growing medium for several of our products because it is such an effective, nutritionally complete growing medium. There is no hint whatsoever of yeast in the finished product, it is completely removed during manufacture and is entirely safe even for people who are highly yeast intolerant