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Hit the Snooooozzze Button – I need more sleep!

Did you Know

- Researchers have said that people who live the longest sleep for 5 to 6 hours a night


People with the shortest lifespan sleep for less than five hours a night or more than ten hours per night.

Does Milk before bed help?

- Not so – Although milk contains an amino acid called Tryptophan which can help us sleep, it is suppressed by the other amino acids in milk

How about apple juice?

- As it happens, yes if unsweetened and taken 30 minutes before bedtime

Do you have Insomnia?

- If so you fall within the 50% of adults who experience insomnia at some stage in their life

Do foods help?

- Reishi Mushrooms are claimed to be an effective treatment for insomnia

And any Supplements?

- Magnesium supplementation late evening improves sleep patterns. Higher levels of magnesium in specific brain sites promote sleep quality

- Magnesium deficiency was found to delay sleep onset and contributed to age-related insomnia. Foodstate Magnesium is better absorbed, used and retained by the body