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Blog posts of '2020' 'January'

Refined Sugar Causes Inflammation In The Gut
Refined Sugar Causes Inflammation In The Gut

We tend to relate refined sugar to rotten teeth, obesity, ADHD and Type 2 Diabetes, but the consequence of sugar consumption to the function of the gut can be significant



Is The Cold Getting To Your Bones?
Is The Cold Getting To Your Bones?

This winter hasn’t seen particularly cold weather yet but it has been wet and windy and that dampness gives us the shivers



Our January Sale Continues – this week it’s Herbals!
Our January Sale Continues – this week it’s Herbals!

Friday 24th to Thursday 30th January: 10% off products in the Herbals range



Our January Sale Continues – this week it’s Minerals!
Our January Sale Continues – this week it’s Minerals!

Friday 17th to Thursday 23rd January: 10% off products in the Minerals range using the code JANUARYMINERALS


Are You Doing Dry January?
Are You Doing Dry January?

If you are then well done! The liver is the body’s dumping ground for toxins so it works very hard, especially over the festive period



Are You Doing Veganuary?
Are You Doing Veganuary?

Whether you are or not, giving your body a break from heavy, high protein food typical of the festive period is a very good idea

Getting Fitter And Healthier in 2020
Getting Fitter And Healthier in 2020

Most of us start the New Year with hopes and aspirations for improving our lives in many ways, not least of all our health. Faddish diets are abound and Doctors generally advise against doing a “Detox”. So where does this leave us? 



Back To University?
Back To University?

Do you have children going back to University? Do they often look pale, scruffy and hungover? It’s difficult to keep track of what they eat but you can help them stay healthy in an easy and cost effective way with a few Foodstate supplements, which is particularly relevant during the cold and flu season.  

Consume Too Much Sugar Over Christmas?
Consume Too Much Sugar Over Christmas?

Refined sugar is damaging to virtually every function of the human body and we consume more of it at Christmas time than at any other time of year. We also eat a lot of sugar inadvertently because it is added to so many foods. So if you overdid the sweet stuff at Christmas then take a month’s course of GTF Chromium, an important mineral for human health



The Foodstate Company January Sale!
The Foodstate Company January Sale!

Here’s Wishing All My Customers Health And Happiness In 2020!