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Blog posts of '2017' 'May'

Are you working on your beach body? Achieving optimal balance between lean muscle and fat is an important part of a weight loss or fitness regime. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) helps achieve this balance in a very healthy way. There are countless weight loss products, many based on caffeine, that are full of appalling ingredients. CLA is an energy-creating fat
If you do nothing else, make sure you get your antioxidants! Never in human history have we been so bombarded with toxins in their many forms that damage our health. If you are one of the people who adopt the mantra “you get everything you need from your food”, you are likely to be one of the 8 out of 10 people deficient in Magnesium and 9 out of 10 people deficient in Selenium
Energy-Producing Foods If you suffer from the any of the following, you may want to learn about the foods that provide energy and the foods that sap energy: • Lethargy • Fatigue • Stamina • Exercise • Athletic Performance • Metabolism • Nervous exhaustion
Crohn’s Disease and how to resolve it If you suffer from Crohn’s disease there are so many things you can change in your diet and nutritional intake to resolve it or at least significantly reduce the symptoms. Taking steroids long-term for this condition can cause serious damage to your health
10 Dietary Tips to Improve your Health This is not a definitive list, just some helpful tips to improve your health
Are you at risk from Diabetes Type 2? You may have heard of this condition being referred to as a “Lifestyle Disease” and that’s because it is brought on by a number of lifestyle factors prevalent in the modern Western world
Water, Pure and simple – we wish! It is estimated that 30 – 35% of modern disease processes are caused by low water intake or poor quality water
Lovely Hair, Lovely Skin and Selenium Selenium, which is desperately lacking in our modern diets, has many benefits for our hair and skin
Zinc - A Master Mineral for good health In Peer reviewed studies the Foodstate Zinc was much more effective compared to chemical forms with 72% more absorbed into blood and 87% more retained in liver and excreted much more slowly demonstrating that the Food State Zinc is stored much more in body tissues than other forms of Zinc
Selenium and its Enormous Benefits to our Immune System Selenium is a very important antioxidant micro-mineral for our immune system, and despite only being needed in small quantities, those small quantities are vital to good health