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If you do nothing else, make sure you get your antioxidants!

Never in human history have we been so bombarded with toxins in their many forms that damage our health. If you are one of the people who adopt the mantra “you get everything you need from your food”, you are likely to be one of the 8 out of 10 people deficient in Magnesium and 9 out of 10 people deficient in Selenium


The sad truth is our farm soils are desperately depleted of the essential nutrients that form the bedrock of good health


So people turn to supplements in the hope that they fill in the gaps, but these chemical/synthetic supplements contain nutrients that don’t exist anywhere on this planet in live food. The only viable alternative is to take food (foodstate) nutrients in supplemental form because these foodstate nutrients have exactly the same structure as plant nutrients


If you do nothing else, you would benefit your health enormously by taking the Jersey Foodstate Multi vitamin/mineral and the Multi Antioxidant. You may have health concerns that require a more bespoke program, but in general the combination of these 2 products gives you a sound nutritional base that will improve your immunity, provide you with more energy and offer a general feeling of improved health