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Water, Pure and simple – we wish!

It is estimated that 30 – 35% of modern disease processes are caused by low water intake or poor quality water

Let’s look at some of the dangers of poor quality water

Fertility and Pregnancy:

Research has shown that chlorine levels in water is directly related to lower sperm counts and increased miscarriages in the USA. We also know that the daily requirement for water increases during pregnancy - it has been theorised that morning sickness occurs with insufficient water, and the nausea that occurs during morning sickness may be a manifestation of thirst from the unborn foetus


Water irrigates and cleanses the kidneys and acts as a carrier vehicle for the kidneys' excretion of toxins from the body, so the quality of water is paramount. Kidney stones may be prevented by drinking sufficient water (enough to produce 2 - 3 quarts of urine per day). However the toxic metals do not get completely removed and a build-up is dangerous to our health. When we consider that cartilage is composed of 65% to 85% water and muscles are composed of 70% to 75% water, low water intake or poor quality water can cause low energy and lethargy.


Water comprises 70% of the dermis of the skin, low water intake contributes to poor skin condition and the appearance of premature aging


This dangerous heavy metal is absorbed mainly through antiperspirants, hair products and cooking utensils, and contributes to premature aging and reduction in mental function. Molecules within the body that are bound to aluminium are generally no longer able to absorb water from the blood vessels giving rise to several diagnosed health problems that are in fact related to aluminium and not treatable unless by harsh chelation therapy.

According to Professor Doll, R.  in his publication “Review: Alzheimer's disease and environmental aluminium”  1993 at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Radcliffe Infirmary:

“Drinking water usually contains between 0.01 and 0.15 mg per litre of aluminium, but some potable water may have as much as 0.40 mg per litre or more”. This is in part due to the administration of aluminium sulphate added as a “water treatment”

Reducing heavy metals:

Some Food State nutrients help reduce many toxic heavy metals within the body, and this will have a very positive effect on peoples’ health. Antioxidants are the most effective way of getting rid of these nasty materials, and we provide a multi-antioxidant product containing all the potent antioxidants. I consider it the most important product within our range:


There are obvious sources of chlorine, like tap water, and some less obvious ones. For example, chlorine levels remain high after vegetables and fruits are washed because these fresh foods are washed in a chlorine solution 25 times higher than people would be allowed to swim in at a public swimming pool - even Organic!! Excessive exposure to Inorganic chlorine is known to suppress the immune system and contribute to and cause blood sugar disorders