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Being Overweight and Unfit Is Dangerous – Even Without The Risk Of Covid

Being Overweight and Unfit Is Dangerous – Even Without The Risk Of Covid

But according to Rosemary Conley, famous for the hip and thigh diet, all that can change in as little as 28 days

In her excellent article in the Sunday Telegraph recently, Rosemary Conley explained how diet and exercise can dramatically shift the risk factor associated with being overweight and having a weak immune system. And all in 28 days


So let’s look at 3 key recommendations to reduce weight and boost our immunities:

1. Include certain foods in your diet to boost the immune system
2. Improve gut health to boost the immune system
3. Exercise to lose weight and boost the immune system


In A Nutshell:

• 73% of those admitted to ICU with covid were obese or overweight
• A BMI above 25 puts you in the higher risk group
• Certain foods including Garlic boost the immune system by acting as natural prebiotics which encourage the growth of “good” bacteria
• Antioxidants: They fix damaged cells and exist most abundantly in brightly coloured fruit & veg like blueberries and peppers
• Essential oils: Oily fish like salmon and sardines are good sources of Vitamin D (Mackerel too, but more inclined to contain heavy metals) 
• 150 Minutes: The recommended time for the over 65’s to take moderate exercise each day



1. Foods That Boost The immune System:

Healthy eating is fundamental to the health of all of us, irrespective of our age. Encouraging healthy eating among children creates good habits that they carry in to adulthood. 80% of covid deaths have been among people over 70, so weight management and healthy eating is so important amongst the elderly, not only in the fight against covid, but also to protect against chronic disease. The consequences of being overweight (a BMI of over 25) are:

• Increased mortality risk from covid
• Increase risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes
• More wear and tear to the joints
• Less inclination to exercise
• Poor mental health


A Varied Diet: Healthy eating needs to include all of the food groups, which help maximise our white blood cells, (produced in the bone marrow) that help us fight infection. We need protein, carbohydrates, essential fats and lots of fruits and vegetables. Immunity-boosting foods include:

• Almonds
• Blueberries & rasberries
• Citrus fruits (lemon is best, eat orange & grapefruit in moderation)
• Garlic
• Green tea
• Green veg
• Kale
• Kiwi
• Live yogurt
• Mushrooms (especially reishi and shitake)
• Poultry
• Red peppers
• Shellfish
• Sunflower seeds
• Turmeric



Vitamins Minerals and Supplements: If you are going to choose healthy foods, then choose healthy supplements

UK sales of supplements reached nearly £500million in 2020, yet 99% of products sold were created from the same manufactured synthetic chemicals. Why do people buy them? Because they believe they are effective replacements for nutritional deficiencies within our food chain. The human body requires 60 minerals for optimum health, yet only 8 are available in any kind of quantity in most of the food we eat today. Foodstate products are the only form of supplement that deliver nutrients in to the human body in the same structure as those produced by the plant, making them eminently better absorbed used and retained by the body for our benefit

Supplements don’t replace healthy food: They are designed to be “supplemental” to our diet. Nothing quite replaces a varied diet, but there is certainly a place for healthy supplements to make sure the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals is achieved within our diet


Antioxidants - The Real “Good Guys”, Free Radicals -The Real “Bad Guys”

Antioxidants protect our cells from damage caused by free-radicals, rogue toxins that pollute the body, damaging healthy cells and contributing to heart disease, cancer and plenty of other undesirable health conditions. As a rule of thumb, brightly coloured fruits and veg are the richest in antioxidants, for example, beetroot, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, kale, pepper, spinach, tomatoes. Foodstate antioxidants like Vitamin C & E, Selenium, Zinc & Co-Q10 possess all of their antioxidant qualities, unlike synthetic, chemical supplements that have poor antioxidant value

Fibre: Not only does fibre assist our digestive process, it also helps us feel full for longer. High fibre foods include some fruits & veg, wholegrain bread and rice and high-fibre cereals



The Gut: Not a very sexy topic, but a healthy functioning gut is utterly essential to improved health. Putting it bluntly, the contents of your gut is waste material that needs to be removed. People with a slow digestion are more prone to the toxic overload associated with holding too much waste material within the body for longer than necessary. Why is a healthy gut so important?

• It can help you lose weight
• It boosts the immune system
• It can enhance mental health


Examples of probiotics are:

• Apple cider vinegar
• Kimchi
• Live Kefir
• Live yoghurt
• Miso soup
• Sauerkraut
• Sour cream


Probiotic E505:We recommend taking a good quality probiotic twice per year or immediately after a course of antibiotics. Our E505 is used by clinics because it is proven to be active in the gut, having survived the transit through the acids and bile in the stomach. E505 contains 8 friendly probiotic bacteria and 1 prebiotic strain that prepares the gut for the probiotic strains

Caprylic Acid: An excellent product to take alongside the E505 is Caprylic Acid, a healthy fatty acid and a number of herbs that cleanse the gut and reduce candida, a by-product of eating too much refined sugar. The combination of these 2 products significantly improves the function of the gut and give us a “lighter” feeling



Exercise: The potential reduction in muscle strength by the age of 70, is 40% for someone who does not exercise. The government recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, so for example, 30 minutes of exercise per day 5 days a week. Moderate activity includes:

• Brisk walking
• Cycling
• Swimming
• Dancing
• Moderate strength training
• Pushing a lawnmower
• Hiking


Heart Health: Exercise improves our circulatory system, pumping oxygen-rich blood around the body


Lymphatic System: An essential function for the immune system because it drains excess fluids from bodily tissues and carries immune-boosting white blood cells around the body, helping us fight infection. Exercising acts as a “pump”, moving white blood cells around the body more efficiently


Muscles & Bones: Muscles are linked to the immune system because the more we use them, the more we transport immune-boosting white blood cells around the body. Challenging our muscles through exercise, and putting our bones under pressure and 2 key steps in preventing breaks and fractures, and maintaining a strong heart


28 days to change your life: If there was ever a time to become healthier, slimmer and fitter it is now. 28 days of improved diet, more antioxidant-rich foods and plenty of exercise has the potential to transform your body and take you out of the covid high-risk group

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