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More than 100 cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed every day in the UK

It is the most common cancer in men. In 2013, 47,189 cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed, of which about 20 per cent were advanced prostate cancer.

Scientists now estimate that one in 11 cases of advanced prostate cancer in the UK could be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight

We have created an advanced 100% Foodstate formula to help protect the health of the prostate. Research has shown that the combination of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants in our formula will support a healthy prostate – in fact this combination of ingredients is important to our health in general, for example Selenium, which is in desperately short supply in the food chain, is documented as an important preventer of several common cancers

Why Foodstate? We have not evolved to recognise and efficiently use chemical/synthetic nutrients yet 98% of all supplements are created this way. We need our nutrition in the form of food nutrients, which is exactly what we provide with Foodstate nutrients, to make them better absorbed, used and retained by the body