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Taking a trip this summer? 🏖 Stay healthy with our top tips!

Taking a trip this summer? 🏖 Stay healthy with our top tips!

If you’re lucky enough to be taking a trip away over the next couple of months, you may be starting to think about what you’ll need to pack. If that’s the case, then do save a little room for a selection of supplements!

Whether you’re planning a trip abroad or staying put and exploring the UK, there are still plenty of things you can do to stay healthy, while travelling light.

If you take a selection of Foodstate products, it’s unlikely that you’ll want to take them all with you. So, which ones should you take to stay fit and healthy while on your travels?

Are you flying?
If you are, the most important supplement is the Multi-Antioxidant. This is because the pressurised cabin of an aircraft causes considerable free-radical damage to healthy cells, making them toxic, which then leads to health risks.

Antioxidants are specific nutrients that ‘scavenge’ and help 'mop up’ harmful free-radicals. Our Foodstate antioxidant formula contains Vitamins C and E, Beta Carotene, Zinc, Selenium and Co - Q10. They help to reduce cell damage and the oxidation of healthy cells. Take 3 of our multi-antioxidants before flying, and another 3, shortly after landing.

Catching bugs on planes
The cabin of a plane is a perfect environment in which to catch a cold or flu – the last thing you want if you are leaving on holiday! High-dose Vitamin C provides an effective immune system boost that helps the body fight bugs before they manifest.

Protect yourself with Multi Vitamins/Minerals
Certainly pack a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals to help support the immune system. And don’t forget the kids either!

Enjoy a drink or two on holiday?
Most of us do, but did you know that a bottle of wine can kill 60% of the Magnesium stored in your liver? Topping up your Magnesium levels helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue – very useful if you are jet-lagged (or hungover!). It also helps with the function of your nervous system, and supports better sleep patterns too. A great addition to your luggage.


Couple enjoying a glass of fizz by the pool


Keeping your energy levels high
To fully enjoy your holiday, it helps to be full of energy. Our Foodstate Vitamin B Complex contains all of the B Vitamins, which work synergistically to give you more energy.

Protect the skin
Avoid non-organic sunscreens – they contain nasty chemicals that get in to the bloodstream. Yaoh and Jason are both recommended, healthy organic sunscreens.

And when you get home
You may want to consider a few ways of cleansing the body if you have over-eaten and had a few too many drinks:

  • Milk Thistle: A herb traditionally used for its protective effect on the liver
  • Probiotic E505: Helps the gut recover from the excesses of over-eating and drinking. It regulates the digestion and allows the gut to better absorb nutrients
  • Caprylic Acid: A healthy dietary fat and a combination of 8 herbs to remove candida from the gut and cleanse the intestinal tract

Back to work?
If the very thought fills you with dread and pulls you down, then try our Karoshil, a foodstate product specifically designed to help deal with negative emotional states.

Ongoing nutritional program
If you want to maintain a stronger immunity and overall improved health, then the following products provide a broad spectrum of nutrients that are in short supply in our food today:

Whatever your summer plans, make sure that a range of our supplements is high on your packing list. Enjoy your travels and take care.


Foodstate Supplements
All food. Nothing fake.

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