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Do you fly regularly?

Do you fly regularly?

The pressurised cabin of an aircraft causes considerable free-radical damage, which is another way of saying that healthy cells are damaged and become toxic, causing associated health concerns. A very effective way of reducing the damage caused is with Antioxidants, which prevent the oxidation (damage) of healthy cells. Take 3 of our multi-antioxidant before flying and another 3 shortly after landing

Antioxidants are specific nutrients that “scavenge” and help “mop up “harmful” free radicals

Our Food State antioxidant formula contains: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, Zinc, Selenium, Coenzyme Q10


In brief:

Coenzyme Q10 helps vitamin E be used more effectively within the body. Co Q10 is also protective to the heart, over 60% of people with cardiovascular problems are deficient in this enzyme

Selenium may also helps prevent cardiovascular health problems and is a valuable nutrient for the immune system

Beta Carotene is concentrated within the heart and can help reduce cardiovascular problems. Beta carotene is also converted to vitamin A which is helpful to good eyesight

Vitamin E is known to act synergistically with other antioxidants to our benefit

Zinc is also associated with good eyesight. Zinc deficiency is found with many digestive system ailments as this mineral can inhibit intestinal detrimental micro-organisms.The immune system functions better with adequate zinc. Healthy skin requires adequate zinc, and poor skin is associated with Zinc deficiency

Vitamin C can help reduce poor cardiovascular function. Vitamin C may reduce nerve impairment and also helps reduce the signs of aging 


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