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Too Much Drinking Recently?

Too Much Drinking Recently?

Magnesium has 300 benefits and just happens to be helpful if you have a hangover!

-  Optimum Magnesium is required for over 300 important enzyme systems that regulate numerous biological functions, yet 80% of Brits are deficient! 

-  About 99% of the magnesium in our body works within the cells and over 60% is deposited within the bones. It is water soluble and needs regular replenishment. Magnesium (about 20%) is necessary for proper muscle function

-  Magnesium is a key alkalising mineral and plays a very important role in mobilising beneficial substances within the cells that help reduce toxic burdens.

-  Some of the beneficial functions include proper muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, blood pressure regulation and good energy production

-  Alcohol, refined sugars, caffeine, saturated fats, high intake of dairy products, fluoride and many pharmaceuticals reduce our magnesium reserves

-  Teeth: Our teeth require about 1% of the body’s store of magnesium and it helps harden teeth and prevent tooth decay

-  Hangovers: Optimum magnesium helps alleviate many symptoms of hangovers and also helps reduce the craving for tobacco. Magnesium is stored in the liver and a bottle of wine will deplete 60% of liver reserves


Substances that deplete Magnesium:

Alcohol / Caffeine / Lactose / Refined sugars / Corn syrup / Saturated Fatty Acids /

Aluminium Fluoride / Some high dose synthetic supplements including Vit D and Calcium supplements / Endurance exercise


Avoid ordinary Magnesium supplements:

There are over 25 different types of chemical-form supplements, often called “natural”.

Magnesium is only transmitted across the intestinal mucous when bound to a specific protein carrier, as it is in live food and in foodstate form. Unless it is in this form, not only will it not be transported, but may block absorption of other magnesium molecules and even affect the absorption of other metal elements such as iron, zinc and calcium.




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