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Are You The 1 in 5 Who Suffer From Hayfever?

Are You The 1 in 5 Who Suffer From Hayfever?

Lots of people are sneezing and scratching their eyes at the moment. Yup, it’s Hayfever season!


Who is at most risk? Historically, country dwellers were most at risk of contracting Hayfever, but now it is twice as common in towns as it is in the country, mainly due to vehicle pollution and the effect of sunlight on it (petrochemical smog as it is known)


How many are affected? It affects 20% of the population with the peak age being twenty for contracting it


Chronic Rhinitis affects 1 person in 6. Itching of the nose suggests an allergy. Non-infectious, non-allergic rhinitis can be diagnosed by exclusion, and usually there are food allergic components in that condition. Rhinitis can be provoked in some people by oral contraceptives, aspirin, pain-killing drugs (the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), or the dye tartrazine

How Can We Help It Nutritionally? There are specific nutrients such as Vitamin C and Magnesium that help protect us from this condition, and there are certain foods that aggravate it and some that help protect against its symptoms, all of which are listed here:



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