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If You Can’t Absorb it Don’t Buy It!
If You Can’t Absorb it Don’t Buy It!

Virtually the entire world supply of supplements is in pharmaceutical grade, chemical/synthetic form.

Cholesterol – Is It Such a Villain?
Cholesterol – Is It Such a Villain?

Our main source of cholesterol is from animal products but we also manufacture it.

Eating Tips of the Week
Eating Tips of the Week

If your gut is feeling a bit sluggish from holiday over-eating, take our Probiotic and Caprylic Acid to settle the stomach and “get things moving”

A World of Wellbeing!
A World of Wellbeing!

The Foodstate Company is delighted to work with Wellbeing World.

Let’s give our Children a Healthy Start in Life
Let’s give our Children a Healthy Start in Life

The nutritional guidelines presented to children during this time of life profoundly influence their health profile and food choices for years to come.

Plants Dont Make Nutrients
Plants Dont Make Nutrients

The quality of our soil is directly related to our health because plants do not inherently contain any nutrients other than those extracted from the soil.

A Healthy Diet Is Wasted If Your Gut Has Shut Down

With farm soils estimated to be 80% deplete of essential nutrients, we need to know that our digestive tract is as efficient as possible at extracting whatever nutrients remain in our food.



It’s Hot so Drink Plenty of Fresh, Plain Water!
It’s Hot so Drink Plenty of Fresh, Plain Water!

How much water should you drink? As an adult you should be drinking between 1.5 and 2.5 litres per day, depending on your size, and preferably either bottled or from a water filter.

10 Dietary Tips for a Healthier Body
10 Dietary Tips for a Healthier Body

If the thought of dieting fills you with dread then try instead making some simple changes to your daily eating habits and see your health improve



Zinc - A Master Mineral for good health
Zinc - A Master Mineral for good health

Zinc is the second most abundant trace mineral in the body, being present in all tissues. This mineral serves a wide variety of functions within the body, a few of which are: The healthy functioning of the immune system, the maintenance of healthy skin, hair, nails and bone, normal fertility and reproduction, and the maintenance of normal vision