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Calcium Supplements: You need to know the truth! A human adult requires between 15 and 30mg of food calcium per day. So why are people taking 1000mg of chalk (calcium carbonate)? Although numerous calcium salts are used worldwide, as people become more aware of conditions like osteoporosis, and the diminishing nutritional value of the average diet, the bioavailability of these products remains poor, and unsuited to human consumption. Certain salts are incompatible with many commonly used drugs. They are also associated with several uncomfortable side effects and some require to be taken with food to enable any absorption at all. It therefore makes sense to take a Calcium supplement within a food complex (foodstate) to increase Ca absorption rates, improve bioavailability, minimize side effects, and avoid incompatibilities. This also means there will be no harsh salts for the body to eliminate.
What are Vitamin supplements made from? Most vitamins in supplements are petroleum extracts, coal tar derivatives, chemically processed sugar and sometimes industrial fish oils, with chemicals like formaldehyde used to process them. Synthetic vitamins were originally developed because they cost less. Most synthetic supplements call their products 'vegetarian', not because they are from plants, but because they are not from animals. Foodstate supplements are made with food such as acerola cherries, alfalfa, carrots, corn, grapefruit, lemons, limes, nutritional yeast, oranges, rice bran, soy beans, and tangerines.
Legionnaire’s Disease Legionnaire’s disease is an acute bacterial disease. It cannot be transmitted from person to person. The incubation is two to ten days. Prevalence: It accounts for 1% to 8% of community-acquired pneumonias that result in hospitalisation and about 4% of lethal nosocomial pneumonias. Most cases of legionnaire’s disease occur during late summer and autumn. Although it can occur at any age, most patients are middle-aged males.
Joint & Bone nutrient program Joint and bone health is becoming a bigger and bigger issue, especially for menopausal women, and with a variety of conflicting stories around, this article clarifies what is good and bad for joints and bones, and how Food and Food State nutrients fit into the picture.
Karoshil: Coping with Anxiety & Poor Sleep …providing people with everything they need to properly relax, to have regular and reparative sleep once more and to cope with their anxieties. Karoshil is a unique combination of Food State multi-nutrients, with specific herbs and phosphorylated glucose, which are important to the nervous system. Karoshil gives rapid results on the psychological condition, sometimes even within a few hours
Dealing with Slow/Poor Digestion This article is designed to highlight the health dangers associated with poor digestion and reveal some of the common causes in the modern western diet, and importantly, look at how it can be rectified with an effective Probiotic, and a product called Caprylic Acid.
A Detox Program To Support The Liver Heart And Gut Cleansing and re-balancing the body, a recommended program to take at least once per year.
Bone Health Joint and bone health is becoming a bigger and bigger issue, especially for women during and after the menopause. There are a variety of conflicting stories around, concerning what is good and bad for joints and bones. Here we aim to clarify some of those beliefs, and explain how Food and Food State nutrients fit into the picture.
Supplementation in Pregnancy Whether to take nutritional supplements or not during pregnancy has long been a heated debate. Logic tells us that to create and support a new life, both mother and father need extra nutrition to replace what is absent within even a most carefully constructed diet. As a midwife stated: "It’s wise to steer clear of chemicals because we don’t know what activity they have in the body apart from providing concentrated chemical supplements. Therefore most pregnant women are advised to avoid most supplements and to eat a ’balanced diet’ and then all will be well."
Re-Growing and Supporting Cartilage Damaged or eroded cartilage in the joints is one of the primary causes of joint pain, and an often unwelcome aggravation to sports players. It is a common mis-conception that cartilage cannot be replaced or repaired with proper nutrition. Unlike most other bodily tissue, cartilage is not fed with adequate blood supply to allow the body to repair itself quickly, so the healing process can be a lengthy one. Achieving the right balance of nutrition is important, for example, adequate Vitamin C and D is essential for holding glucosamine in the joint. Equally, the quality of the nutrition is fundamental to proper repair, and taking these nutrients in their food form (foodstate) is important to allow this healing process.