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Are you at risk from Diabetes Type 2? You may have heard of this condition being referred to as a “Lifestyle Disease” and that’s because it is brought on by a number of lifestyle factors prevalent in the modern Western world
Water, Pure and simple – we wish! It is estimated that 30 – 35% of modern disease processes are caused by low water intake or poor quality water
Lovely Hair, Lovely Skin and Selenium Selenium, which is desperately lacking in our modern diets, has many benefits for our hair and skin
Zinc - A Master Mineral for good health In Peer reviewed studies the Foodstate Zinc was much more effective compared to chemical forms with 72% more absorbed into blood and 87% more retained in liver and excreted much more slowly demonstrating that the Food State Zinc is stored much more in body tissues than other forms of Zinc
Selenium and its Enormous Benefits to our Immune System Selenium is a very important antioxidant micro-mineral for our immune system, and despite only being needed in small quantities, those small quantities are vital to good health
How Do We Re-Nature vitamins and minerals? We emulate the process that a plant uses when it takes an inorganic nutrient out of the soil and turns it is to a food nutrient
Poor Memory and Confused? You might need Vitamin B3 There are many benefits from optimum B3 intake and it is water soluble and needs regular intake to be effective.
An acidic body is a sickness magnet Balancing the pH is a major step toward well-being and greater health.
Oily Fish – The good, the bad and the polluted There is no doubt that oily fish have significant health benefits, a few of which are listed below, but there is caveat to that...
Animal or Vegetable Protein - which is best? If you mention Protein to the average person, they immediately think of meat and fish, yet we shouldn’t ignore the availability of healthy and concentrated protein in a vegetarian diet. This article draws distinctions and dispels myths surrounding protein VEGETARIAN PROTEINS Eating a wide variety of foods is the key to a healthy, balanced diet. This is true not only for meat-eaters, but particularly for those pursuing improved health through a vegetarian diet